Concept Stage
- Strategic advice on development matters
- Value management
- Due Diligence reports
Feasibility Stage
- Investment appraisals / studies (bank financing / land bids etc.)
- Cost modeling
Scheme and Detailed Design Stage
- Value engineering
- Buildability
- Initial Budget Estimation
- Comparative Cost Advice
- Detailed Cost Planning
- Value Engineering of Design Options
- Tender & Contract Documentation
- Cost Management & Cost Control
In addition to the foregoing services UBSB also provides services to Banks, Insurance Companies and other Finance Institutions. Some of the services rendered be classified as follows:
- Advice of Contractor’s tender pricing (viability) to assist Banks in making a decision on Banker’s Guarantee and Insurances to be provided for projects;
- Valuation and certification of construction works for payment purposes;
- Advice on Contractor’s tender price / quotations and its respective pricing strategy and milestone claim payment approach; and
- Building contract procurement advice.